
Make Americans great

Enough is enough

As women and children continue to die their husbands and fathers sit and cry .and the people responsible dance in the street . with the blood of our people on there feet. We search our hearts and wonder why all these innocent people had to die .we look to our president and wonder when he will put this madness to a end . our fearless soldiers are ready to go . but the man in the white house just says no . some decisions are hard we lnow but while we wait the flames just grow . we need a leader that is storng a man we would follow from dusk to dawn . a man who would lead us . and do whats right take the gloves off our soldiers and let them fight . fight fire with fire is what some say but political correctness gets in the way . we watch the news and stare in horror its them today and us tomorrow. I know that many feel the way i feel lets be a hammer and hit that nail .there comes a time when men must stand to protect our loved ones and our land . there is but one thing i can do vote for trump i feel he would do .

A call for action.

Other works by August Kennaught...
