
Melancholy by the River

Down by the river, the water flows,
A melancholy feeling within me grows.
The gentle current, a soothing sound,
Yet my heart is heavy, weighed down.
The river moves on, never looking back,
Carrying with it memories of things we lack.
The water’s surface, a mirror so true,
Reflecting the pain that we all go through.
The trees stand tall, and leaves rustle,
Their branches reaching out in a loving hustle.
But in my mind, I cannot find peace,
For my sadness will not release.
The riverbank, a place of serenity,
But my heart is filled with a different density.
The water moves, like time so fast,
While my pain lingers, and my heart is cast.
The river carries on, without a care,
As I stand here, lost in despair.
The water’s cool touch, against my skin,
Cannot soothe the melancholy within.
So, I sit here by the river, lost in thought,
With a heavy heart that cannot be fought.
The water flows on, taking with it my pain,
But the melancholy remains, like a permanent stain.
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