
Your smile

Lucinda Katherine Baker

I see the angels rejoice
Your laughter and smile I love most
With every flash of white stone you show
Your happiness and joy brings cotton snow
When you smile and laugh,
What a great work of art it is
God truly took His time with your crafting
I know now your smile I need to see
One of the many things in you that completes me.
When morning arise
And I arose from my slumber
My first thought goes to you, and your heavenly smile
For that sight of you I walk the extra mile
Words cannot explain my emotions
For your smile brings that October explosion
When your cheekbones curve into that smile motion
Flowers blossom in the mid October spring
For your smile is and always will be...
Gods gift to this sad dark world we live in.


Her smile and sense of humour astounds me. One of the many things that made me fall in love with her.

Other works by Lord Mac...
