

Treasure my body and hold it gently and carefully.
I’m glass to you.
Speak with sweet words and self-awareness and comfort.
I’m worth the kindness to you.
Look at me deeply and meaningfully.
I’m beautiful to you.
Treat me with respect.
I’m important to you.
Treasure her body and hold it gently and carefully.
Make her feel like glass.
Speak to her with sweet words and self-awareness and comfort.
She’s worth the kindness.
Look at her deeply and meaningfully.
She’s beautiful.
Treat her with respect.
She’s more important.
Once she breaks,
It’s onto the next.
Treat me like I’m glass
Because you know exactly how to break me.
It’s not important.
It doesn’t mean anything.
Pleasure is the first priority always.
You would rather go straight through her heart to get between her legs.

Other works by Bella Dorazio...
