

A prayer

I am a tree
Placed amongst my brothers and sisters
rooted between each other
It is a temporary home.
I will be here, in mighty vulnerability;
my God. my mother.
She has given me to you
I am at your service, hope or destruction
I am yours.
Keep me, nurture me.
I will provide hope for tomorrow,
a shelter for the weak,
A place dry so the tears you bear can grow on my side.
Rip me apart, take me from my home
Use me and I will provide shelter for the rich;
material for broken.
Just know, the roots I keep are good, for she has created me for you, and you for me.
So oh keepers of the earth
Know me as equal to you,
for the father and mother is one.
Oh keepers of the earth
I am just a tree, but because the father has created The mother,
let it be known she holds me dear.
Holds me as equal to you;
I am life, yet used for death
I burn for acres and regrow forever.
I am holy. I am apart of you
just as the air relays on my outstretched branch’s,
I rely on Adam and Eve to keep the air clean.
blessed are those who
Understand the goodness of my roots
For you will always be held.
And when I can no longer hold
Onto you, have peace for she
allows my death.
because from death
It is a rebirth.
Thus a beautiful cycle
Called the wilderness.
