
hurt by the one suppose to give love

Everyone judges mi........I wish everyone wasn’t so quick to hurt ..everyone right my son doesn’t deserve me........everyone think they know me .......everyone just heard about me but never sat down to know me ask what and why my life is this way ...everyone knows there always stories behind the eyes
Everyone so quick to talk with out knowing .......every hater hate me for no reason....I suffer to much no every offer a hug a piece of love that I never got my life mess up this puzzle is mix up.. Is this what is to feel like i had it all and being cocky cuz promise he made were never made ...left I’m the dark alone with the door lock now drowning I’m my tears with of taking my. own life....with a shake up mind ..e everyone pointing and laughing at mi like I deserve this life ...of life with no light not even when the sun shine ......no one to say sit talk to me express yourself tell kind everything cry ur pain to me.........weed seem so easy to understand me for the moment as soon the high say bye the stress pain tears come back to mi and my brain..................pointless to do so and roll one up again if the problem still stay .....have you ever heard a broken heart shatter into to a million pieces feel what it feel like to be cut from the inside love..........happiness so fake it do funny to laugh at happiness it dint really exist when you stop and try to look at ur happiness ......more sadness and worries in life ....everyday everyone cry an even when it from laughing .........hate what not what I want to do I forgive and still get hurt with hate pain years turning mi insane ...I don’t want to to there but it better if into there to a place with no worries e a place where there peace and I’m burning all day but I know I want scream cuz the pain I will be use to so time ticking for mi the the stress the angry the judging the hate no love is all pushing mi to my death bed real shit believe me. And i bet ya still judge while iim six feet undercover

Other works by Bethanya Ruiz...
