
Missing you because of FAME

I make my mark on my calender of you. Marking down the days until I finally get to meet you. While, you have your days on a countdown to finally return home.
  I’m slowly falling apart.
Because, I know deep down inside you would never notice me like I notice you. Sometimes, I wonder if my dream will ever come true. Because I believe in you. even when I don’t want too. I tried to fall for another guy but, instead I fall more in love with you. Because, there’s something different about you, that no one can compare to.

I don’t believe in LOVE But, I do love you.
It’s funny how you can mean the whole entire world to me when I’ve actually never met you.  
But then again, You don’t even know my name when I’ve been supporting you since day one.

I did this for a Competition with my best friend AKA sister Selina.
Uhm... Yeah! Comment what you think?

Other works by Carter...
