
Only Alone If You Allow It

A man who sit’s by himself most time’s
At a bar in the same chair he frequents’s daily
Knowing everyone
Remembering all their name’s
Never asking for their number’s
Wondering to himself
If I never came back
Would they notice
—Is he alone
An old women at the check out isle
Just enough food stamps for one
She has enough in the cart for half of her self
A smile as big as the sun
God bless her heart
I hope she catches a break
Figuring how to turn nothing into something
A giant task for her age
One I’d hate to take on
—Is she alone
The child that get’s to the game
No parent with any dignity to show up
Watching them as they compete
That change’s a kid
Feeling unnoticed and unwanted
Not mature enough to process those emotion’s
Feeling’s quickly turn into deceit
It’ll alter their life
We all know it
—Are they alone
That girl who is distant
Breaking the rule’s
She get’s punished
The school’s phone call’s get no one
Mommy and daddy have been gone for weeks
The fridge not holding a crumb
She crave’s direction
Looking around
She searches but not seeing anyone
Growing up way too fast
Fending for herself makes her an outcast
Think of that for a minute
—Is that girl alone
The man on the street
Picking through trash
The government won’t pay his disabilities
A war vet who gave his life to a country
Are they caring for him and his injuries
He’s seen enough loss to fill all of our live’s
Enough pain to punish the guilty
What more can he give
Finding a can worth a nickel
Making his day
—Is he alone
The girl that work’s the corner of 3rd and Watson
Every night turning trick’s
Like anyone she has to eat
Her life didn’t turn out like she had wished for
No prince charming or a glass slipper for her feet
Just a kid that she tends too
Being there for their every need
Teaching them to take a different path
Not depending on the people in life
Looking to fill their own needs
—Is she alone
The point here is to not label people
We all have stories that cut to the bone
Do you know their’s
Could you walk one step in their shoe’s
Before tearing them down
Putting your hate on blast
Refusing to help a person who need’s next to nothing
Take a step back
You’re not the only one who’s been screwed
Walking around in a world
That’s turned out hard for most everyone
Take notice, or imagine the depth
Beyond you it come’s down to life I think
Maybe one you’d rather forget
But they will live on with out your trials or judgements
Caring only about the next step
Kind of like everyone
Seem’s kind of funny huh
Just remember those people that move your soul
No matter how small if only for awhile, maybe a gesture
We all walk the line of our so called life, hoping
—We’re not walking alone................
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