
God's Gift

On a summer night so sweet, i laid upon the lush meadow grass so beat
I thought of past times and forgotten memories
As i closed my eyes and slept, and fell to a dark depth
A darkness so black it blanks my mind
Depression ran amok my head, and all i thought of was for my dear grave bed—
A bed six foot under if not more, Ill lay in that bed forever gone
Oh, the freedom that death give, but the thought of i doing so makes me heave
But i wonder how it would be like to explore the other side
To explore the feelings of death even after I’ve taken my last breath
To walk with those anguished still forms,
For after this life they lay another one, for every sweet baby born
A life like this night summer eve, even after i finally leave, another life begone
With such a different moon, with a sun that comes to soon
I shall lay on this meadow grass for the shadow to pass by
The darkness gets deeper, my feelings a lot steeper
Time goes by, seconds by aching seconds
The fear is still there and won’t go away, but i think i shall stay if i may
Death is calling my name, his voice so sweet but i may not answer now and be forever gone
He offers me eternity of bliss, and of days i shall never miss
He’s voice so sweet yet filled with lies
I shall not take him by his offer, only to forever suffer
But oh he’s voice forever tempting
I will resist for now, for only for now he shall allow
Angel of darkness in my mind i so plead begone!
Darkness becomes my shroud, for which they are not very proud
I have tried my best to escape this prison
But with this never ending rain, which seems to echo my pain
I shall lay awhile with my body stiff with anguish
With my heart crying, my forever living soul dying
Oh i must escape this prison that i built so it can be forever gone.
I lay awake on the soft dewy grass, and look to the sky a sky so vass
God heard my prayer and gave me the gift
The gift to live and smile, never to think so vile
All the darkness washed away
To a place over there yonder, a place i no longer ponder
And as i lay on the soft dewy grass, all those dark memories disappear, forever gone
