
Natural Disaster

Looking out the glass door
on a cold and rainy day
she saw the soggy sandpit
and asked if she could play
No, oh no my sweet young girl
it is not nice out there
let’s wait until it’s sunny
with that storm we do not dare!
The next day there was wind
and the hail made a racket
Can we go outside today please
miss oh no you couldn’t hack it
It was not til weeks later
that the sun came out to shine
I’ll get the hats and sunscreen
and today we should be fine
She ran straight to the pit and
started playing in the sand
she scooped up as much as
she could fit in just one hand
She lifted it up into the air
slowly opened and release
she watched the grains light up
with sun and trickle piece by piece
A gust of wind began to blow
the grains danced in the breeze
one of them blew up her nose
and she let out a sneeze
Oh no that sand is everywhere!
You really shouldn’t chuck it
don’t let it go up in the air
just keep it in the bucket
Her smile left, she sat back down
a defeated whisper
“fuck it”.

Other works by Chloe Kincaid...
