
What If I Wake

What If I Wake?

The moon seems brighter this night,
Revealing the black clouds that linger in the darkness.
The breeze cooling the air, along with my body, blowing the white curtains that release glimpses of the storm above.
The city is quiet, for tonight only Mother Nature makes the sound.
The rain slowly begins to fall upon the hot cement, releasing the familiar scent.

My last night, couldn’t have been more beautiful.
My eyes shed their last tear.
My Mind ponders it’s last depressed thoughts. It chooses family, my time here, and then for the last time I think of her. I never blamed her for leaving and not loving me. I only hope that if she does think of me, it’s not like this. I still question my future, if I stay; but that is a question for another.

The bottle seems heavier,
Scorching heat, my neck begins to burn!
I pour, I swallow, I lie back.


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