
A Second Chance

What’s going on why am I here?!!!! I got a tag on my toe laying on this cold table all these people surrounding me and not one face is familiar.
I got a headache and my brain is at a blink because the last thing I remember was a bullet going through my temple so how am I awake.
Who are you people?!! Can anybody hear me?!! I guess I am talking for my health since no is answering me yet staring at me with tears as if I was one of their family members.
whatever man, forget this I’m getting out of here!!
As I attempt to leave I hear a voice so frightening sounding like many waters saying don’t you go no where I am He who died yet live the one who took your body and gave it life again so be still and listen to what I got to say.
I called you to be different a man like David with some modern modifications yet you allowed people to steer ya life like someone hijacked a plane causing you to crash to a place of suicide and self-hatred which blinded you to my grace, my love, my mercy so you took your life not knowing that these people you see around you are the one you was soon to minister too.
You failed to see life through my lens doors was ready to open but you started to compare yourself to friends, people who was religious who had no relationship with me but all you saw was the things they said I gave which was satan they was just deceived!!
Come on my son I need you to really see this picture I know you had a hard life but don’t quit wake up I’m giving you a second chance!
Out of no where I feel myself waking up as if it was a dream only to turn around to see a note saying I am with you my child do not give up on me!!
