
San Diego Sun

Here we are again
My eyes are red and my throat raw
My face is puffy
You know exactly how I’ve been spending my time
And yet you ask “What’s new?”
And let me tell you stories about where I’ve been
the people I’ve met, the fun I’ve had
I leave out the part where I am so empty I want to die
So overwhelmed with sadness it numbs me
Its the warmest day of the year
And I layer myself in long sleeves and hooded sweatshirts
Frozen from the inside, a soul made of ice
I don’t tell you I lie awake at night and listen to my heart beating
Praying for it to stop
Just make everything stop
Until I finally fall into a fitful sleep where I dream of my demise
And my disappointment when I wake in the morning
The light pouring through my window and onto my skin
I have to do it all over again

Other works by Clarice Sayle...
