
Unbelievably blue July sky

What an Unbelievably blue July sky but nobody can find a reason why. Was it reflections from the water or the wind directions. whatever it was I didn’t care because it was the best site I had seen all summer and all the other people just stopped and stared without a care in the world. O did that unbelievably blue July sky catch the eyes of so many bystanders. I don’t know when I’ll ever see something like this again.  so breathtakingly beautiful it was hard to comprehend. just try and pretend you we’re told a tail that would arrouse without fail. It  would be flying high underneath this unbelievably blue July sky. But the blue moon that pursued later that night was a true testament of gods might. alls right with the world and its people. everyone was treated as equals. Such a shame it seldom comes having only yourself to blame for the deeds done or lack there of. Putting yourself above all others without a single regret. Yet You forget that no one asked for this and they miss out on just about all that can not be seen and In between everything and yourself its up to me to find the meaning with little to no help. This unbelievably blue July sky is inspiring enough to make even the toughest cry. Don’t deny what’s inside for heavens sake or make the same mistakes over and over again.  where I am is in the mile high city enjoying life and this unbelievably blue July sky.

Don't know if you can even really call this a poem. But it's from the heart

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