
Eternal Love

love is eternal

For my life is finally right
But I still cry at night
I cried when my mother passed away
But I have an angel looking after me today
From love and despair
You were my air
You kept my alive for so many days
Made me happy in so many ways
But then you died and went away
And my heart skipped a beat that day
But I knew you would come back
I knew you wouldn’t leave me like that
Our love will never fade
But with someone else it may upgrade
You’ve been away for so long
Even when i think of you my heart pours out in song
I can never be too sure
But my sadness is cured
And my love will never turn into pain
Your love is what i shall gain
I will never change my love for you
I can’t wait to be in eternity with you
You’re the person love
And you’re as precious as a dove
My heart will never forget you
I will love you until the day i die too
And when midnight comes
My soul will awake
And at the gates of heaven I shall wait
Other works by D.K.P...
