
Streets and souls

Skid row day 1

Standing in the midst of such contrast
Some People standing, others moving fast
Some just passing through
Others looking for things to do
We stick out like a shag on a rock
Highlighted by a future friend that we are on his block
Immigrants we are called as we talk with strangers
Leading to some moments that are potential dangers
Hearts are pure and honest and dear
But it’s obvious our motives here  are not clear
Hosted and cared for by a fellow brother
Whose had a few chances but deserves another
We are different in one sense but in another the same
We stand here together in our father’s name
This may be the first time We’ve been on this street
And it may be the first time we actually meet
But life is long and we are here to stay
Will see you next week same place, same day

This poem is inspired by my new friend poet who is from our church but met up with him on his home turf in skid row. Very moving day and obviously we peed a few people off but this is the beginning of something we believe as a church is what we are about. Relationships take time to build and people want to know that you're trustworthy in the process.
