
The Change

Today is... Saturday. Yep, just a Saturday. But not really. After spending some great mornings, lunches, and dinner times with my love, it was time to head back to Ol’Red.  Just like the once brilliant bright stainless trains, I have also lost my lustre.  I just sip my imported coffee and dissolve for 5 minutes at a time.  But wait my cup is already empty, only after a sip.  To fill again would take effort.

I no longer think parallel here.  Beyond warped, a curve now looks straight.  I know it is time to depart the red salty shores, which lack fruition.  I thought “here” could provide.  To fly is to drive, and to drive is to walk. My being is at a pace that I want beyond, and my love afar.

 If only there were a hill with snow upon. I’d roll down faster than a wheel of cheese. But I know first there is the hill to climb and I am comfortable with that. I now make my own thoughts of a way forward.  I need out.  I must rebirth.  I must be made of better stuff.  A change has begun.

Yes!!!  I am becoming “that change.” I just wish today were a Monday


Embodiment of ones self change.


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