
Living a Lie

Masking the truth

We as in me and you live in two different places. We each have two different faces. Yeah, we may both have grew up on the same block, hung with the same people, and may even enjoy doing some of the same things. Yeah, we may be close in age. We may have similar backgrounds. But you’re not me, nor will you ever be. Some say I make things look easy. Some may think my life is perfect. Yeah from the outside looking in, things can be deceiving. But, believe me when I say everything that glitters aint gold. Its been times where I felt like I wanted to sell my soul. Its been times when I thought I couldn’t make it. I’ve been you, and eventually you’ll will be. I’ve had  the heartbreaks, the long sleepless nights, and the drinking until the pain fades away. I’ve done it all just to cover up the pain. I was so angry that people couldn’t understand the reasoning behind my anger, the bite behind my bark, and darkness peeking my eyes. I often found myself worrying how other people viewed me, worried about if I was making my grandmothers proud. I worry about life in general a lot. I wonder daily I am doing what  God sees fit for me, Am I walking down the path he already to created for me? I am living up to my standards. Hell, I don’t even know what my standards may be.What is my purpose? Lord knows I would hate for my living to be in vain. I just know every morning  I wake up I try hard as hell to be the best I can be. The best ME that is…I always think of Ashanstis song “I wanna be like the girls in the movies”…the girls in the movies seem so careless. I guess they would considering that they are merely acting. Hmmm, acting is what I do from time to time. I tend to act like everything is just fine. I smile, I joke, and walk with my head held high…at nights, when I lay my head on the pilliow it hits me. Girl..your walking around living a damn lie.

This was written in 2012. I was in a dark place at the time.

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