
Illegal born Mistake

To the surviving kids that were not planned

To those who have some type of deal that sits on your shoulders.
Congratulations, it’s a baby girl.
That’s when it all started,
right when I was cut out I was departed,
from my mom to a plane cause I couldn’t breathe,
my chord double wrapped around my neck brought aggrieve,
but I was never meant to be.
Mom was 16 and pregnant,
dad is 15 years older, but she made no enactment.
He never signed my birth certificate,
always in jail not realizing my hearts delicate.
Why say you love me?
If you never even try,
I always wondered what kind of dad you’d be,
just don’t call from jail saying you love me, cause I might cry.
At least I have my mother,
but deep down I feel like a bother,
cause I was never meant to be,
here, in this world I see.
But I thank you for keeping me,
even though it hurts to know,
I’m an illegal born mistake.
I’m aware others have it worse, but pain is pain when it hurts.


How it feels at times


Other works by Deni Renae...
