

I remember the day you came into my life,
You didn’t seem a threat.
But now when I look back in my memory,
all I can think is regret.
I regret the trust that I foolishly had,
when we met and I let myself believe.
That I didn’t have to be careful around boys,
to this day that thought still gives me grief.
I think about that night,
sitting alone at the park.
Hearing your voice call my name,
and coming, knowing it was after dark.
I still remember that dug out,
on the right side of the baseball field.
I still remember you taking,
everything that I thought was real.
You stole the innocence of a child,
you made me believe fault was mine.
I blamed myself, hated myself,
because you had control of my mind.
To this day I can’t be with a man,
without thinking of that horrid night.
And forever I will remember your name,
When I hear “Jordan” I’m filled with fright.
My body beat and bloody,
dried tears shed down my cheeks.
I was afraid to tell anyone,
it took me months and weeks.
My memory has left me cold and broken,
it left me wise beyond my years,
because getting raped at 12 years old,
can really show your true fears.


This poem is about the young man who decided to steal my innocence from me at 12 years old.
