In my craft or sullen art Exercised in the still night When only the moon rages And the lovers lie abed With all their griefs in their arm…
O make me a mask and a wall to shu… Of the sharp, enamelled eyes and t… Rape and rebellion in the nurserie… Gag of dumbstruck tree to block fr… The bayonet tongue in this undefen…
Our eunuch dreams, all seedless in… Of light and love, the tempers of… Whack their boy’s limbs, And, winding—footed in their shawl… Groom the dark brides, the widows…
There was a saviour Rarer than radium, Commoner than water, crueller than… Children kept from the sun Assembled at his tongue
It is a winter’s tale That the snow blind twilight ferri… And floating fields from the farm… Gliding windless through the hand… The pale breath of cattle at the s…
Sometimes the sky’s too bright, Or has too many clouds or birds, And far away’s too sharp a sun To nourish thinking of him. Why is my hand too blunt
Never until the mankind making Bird beast and flower Fathering and all humbling darknes… Tells with silence the last light… And the still hour
Shall gods be said to thump the cl… When clouds are cursed by thunder, Be said to weep when weather howls… Shall rainbows be their tunics’ co… When it is rain where are the gods…
Never and never, my girl riding fa… In the land of the hearthstone tal… Fear or believe that the wolf in a… Loping and bleating roughly and bl… My dear, my dear,
A grief ago, She who was who I hold, the fats… Or, water-lammed, from the scythe-… Hell wind and sea, A stem cementing, wrestled up the…
I dreamed my genesis in sweat of s… Through the rotating shell, strong As motor muscle on the drill, driv… Through vision and the girdered ne… From limbs that had the measure of…
Do you not father me, nor the erec… For my tall tower’s sake cast in h… Do you not mother me, nor, as I a… The lovers’ house, lie suffering m… Do you not sister me, nor the erec…
Once it was the colour of saying Soaked my table the uglier side of… With a capsized field where a scho… And a black and white patch of gir… The gentle seaslides of saying I…
Into her lying down head His enemies entered bed, Under the encumbered eyelid, Through the rippled drum of the ha… And Noah’s rekindled now unkind d…
I have longed to move away From the hissing of the spent lie And the old terrors’ continual cry Growing more terrible as the day Goes over the hill into the deep s…