

Dreams is where I get to see, hold and kiss you.
Dreams is where I get to spend much time with you
than I ever did in the physical world.
Dreams is where I get to see more of your smiles.
Dreams is where get to have your touches.
Dreams are what matters in my life right now because of you.
The only time that I look forward to is when I’m headed to bed,
because then I get to see you.
They are not always good dreams, I do have nightmares about you,
nightmares where you don’t love me,
where you push me away, where you don’t look at me,
where you are walking away from me and I’m chasing after you,
begging you to notice me.
Where you are just looking at me in an undecipherable expression,
where you have your back to me.
Swear I like you more in my dreams than I ever did in real life.

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