
Carcass Killers

We’re nothing but skeletons through safety nets -
Fingers clicking new time sets,
Carcasses savouring the darkness
Lipsticks by cigarettes following the dim lit spec
Of no ground beneath us, wanderers foetusless
Figuring the freckles from the sun to our mess -
Caskets of breath, holding up heads
Hangers and railings, waiting for the horse sense sect...
Arrows through archways, glass light through windows
Pink blood smelling phoenix potent
Broken street slabs, bruised zinc honing
Wailing, awoken, wasting, frozen
Bent not broken– darker, sharper
Pieces of our star creature
Learning to walk quicker
Into the other whirl where we were hurled from...
No longer held off,
Dragons and sky gods
fending the ether -
Furious feathers float into glowing oceans that camber...
Other works by Seismic🌈Nought ...
