
**Teach Me to Walk**

Oh, guide my steps, dear Lord above,
Teach me to walk in truth and love.
In wisdom’s path, let me abide,
And follow where Your Spirit guides.
Through life’s uncertain maze and strife,
Hold fast my hand, and give me life.
Illuminate my way with light,
And banish darkness from my sight.
May every thought and word I say
Reflect Your truth, in every way.
May my actions honor Your name,
And spread Your love, like a gentle flame.
Teach me to seek not my own will,
But yield to Yours, with steadfast skill.
In all my decisions, let me hear
Your whispers, guiding me so clear.
Through trials, may I find Your grace,
And learn to trust in Your embrace.
May wisdom be my constant guide,
As I walk through life, by Your side.
So teach me, Lord, to walk in truth,
And guide my steps with tender ruth.
In wisdom’s path, let me abide,
And glorify Your name with pride.
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