#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #1914 #PoemsOfCheer
Last was the wealth I carried in… Youth, health, ambition, hope and… And Fate, those robbers fit for a… Stole all, and left me but the emp… Before me lay a long and lonely tr…
We are younger in years! Yes, tha… But in some things we are older th… For instance, you sometimes say wi… ‘It will do to drink wine once in… We say, ‘It will not do at all!’
The stork flew over a town one day… And back of each wing an infant la… One to a rich man’s home he brough… And one he left at a labourer’s co… The rich man said, ‘My son shall…
However the battle is ended, Though proudly the victor comes, With flaunting flags and neighing… And echoing roll of drums; Still truth proclaims this motto
The first flower of the spring is… Or bright, as one the ripe midsumm… The first faint note the forest wa… Is not as rich with feeling, or so… As when, full master of his art, t…
Over the ocean of life’s commotion We sail till the night comes on. Sail and sail in a tiny boat, Drifting wherever the billows go. Out on the treacherous sea afloat,
When love is lost, the day sets to… Albeit the morning sun may still b… And not one cloud-ship sails acros… Yet from the places where it used… Gone is the lustrous glory of the…
The queerest languages known to ma… Sanscrit, Hebrew, Hindoostan, Are all translated and made as fre… And comprehensive as A B C. Yet the oldest language talked or…
All the world was wearying, All the world was sad; Everything was shadow-filled; Things were going bad. Then a rumour stirred all hearts
I look down the lengthening distan… Far back to youth’s valley of hope… How strange seemed the ways of exi… How infinite life and its scope! What dreams, what ambitions came t…
Over the banisters bends a face, Daringly sweet and beguiling. Somebody stands in careless grace, And watches the picture, smiling. The light burns dim in the hall be…
I am all tired out, said the mouth… I am all tired out with talk. Just wait, said the knee, till you… And then have to walk-walk-walk. My work, said the hand, is the har…
When my blood flows calm as a purl… When my heart is asleep and my bra… It is then that I vow we must par… That I will forget you, and put y… Out of my life, as a dream is bani…
Friend of my youth, let us talk of… Of the long lost golden hours. When “Winter” meant only Christma… And “Summer” wreaths of flowers. Life has grown old, and cold, my f…
How happy they are, in all seeming… How gay, or how smilingly proud, How brightly their faces are beami… These people who make up the crowd… How they bow, how they bend, how t…