Lightly stepped a yellow star To its lofty place - Loosed the Moon her silver hat From her lustral Face - All of Evening softly lit
308 I send Two Sunsets— Day and I—in competition ran— I finished Two—and several Stars— While He—was making One—
131 Besides the Autumn poets sing A few prosaic days A little this side of the snow And that side of the Haze—
No rack can torture me, My soul’s at liberty Behind this mortal bone There knits a bolder one You cannot prick with saw,
VIII A wounded deer leaps highest, I ’ve heard the hunter tell; ’T is but the ecstasy of death, And then the brake is still.
932 My best Acquaintances are those With Whom I spoke no Word— The Stars that stated come to Tow… Esteemed Me never rude
774 It is a lonesome Glee— Yet sanctifies the Mind— With fair association— Afar upon the Wind
990 Not all die early, dying young— Maturity of Fate Is consummated equally In Ages, or a Night—
828 The Robin is the One That interrupt the Morn With hurried—few—express Reports When March is scarcely on—
155 The Murmur of a Bee A Witchcraft—yieldeth me— If any ask me why— ’Twere easier to die—
Part One: Life LI IT tossed and tossed,— A little brig I knew,— O’ertook by blast,
192 Poor little Heart! Did they forget thee? Then dinna care! Then dinna care! Proud little Heart!
480 “Why do I love” You, Sir? Because— The Wind does not require the Gra… To answer—Wherefore when He pass
843 I made slow Riches but my Gain Was steady as the Sun And every Night, it numbered more Than the preceding One
721 Behind Me’—dips Eternity’— Before Me’—Immortality’— Myself’—the Term between’— Death but the Drift of Eastern G…