#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
Air has no Residence, no Neighbor… No Ear, no Door, No Apprehension of Another Oh, Happy Air! Ethereal Guest at e’en an Outcast…
39 It did not surprise me— So I said—or thought— She will stir her pinions And the nest forgot,
Delight becomes pictorial When viewed through pain,— More fair, because impossible That any gain. The mountaln at a given distance
63 If pain for peace prepares Lo, what “Augustan” years Our feet await! If springs from winter rise,
It’s like the light,— A fashionless delight It’s like the bee,— A dateless melody. It’s like the woods,
213 Did the Harebell loose her girdle To the lover Bee Would the Bee the Harebell hallow Much as formerly?
LVI Faith is a fine invention For gentlemen who see; But microscopes are prudent In an emergency!
543 I fear a Man of frugal Speech— I fear a Silent Man— Haranguer—I can overtake— Or Babbler—entertain—
XXXVII LOVE is anterior to life, Posterior to death, Initial of creation, and The exponent of breath.
920 We can but follow to the Sun— As oft as He go down He leave Ourselves a Sphere behin… ’Tis mostly—following—
340 Is Bliss then, such Abyss, I must not put my foot amiss For fear I spoil my shoe? I’d rather suit my foot
541 Some such Butterfly be seen On Brazilian Pampas— Just at noon—no later—Sweet— Then—the License closes—
The Soul unto itself Is an imperial friend— Or the most agonizing Spy— An Enemy—could send— Secure against its own—
824 [first version] The Wind begun to knead the Grass… As Women do a Dough— He flung a Hand full at the Plain…
Tie the strings to my life, my Lo… Then I am ready to go! Just a look at the horses— Rapid! That will do! Put me in on the firmest side,