321 Of all the Sounds despatched abro… There’s not a Charge to me Like that old measure in the Boug… That phraseless Melody—
184 A transport one cannot contain May yet a transport be— Though God forbid it lift the lid… Unto its Ecstasy!
116 I had some things that I called m… And God, that he called his, Till, recently a rival Claim Disturbed these amities.
68 Ambition cannot find him. Affection doesn’t know How many leagues of nowhere Lie between them now.
392 Through the Dark Sod—as Educatio… The Lily passes sure— Feels her white foot—no trepidatio… Her faith—no fear—
639 My Portion is Defeat—today— A paler luck than Victory— Less Paeans—fewer Bells— The Drums don’t follow Me—with tu…
A Counterfeit– a Plated Person… I would not be - Whatever strata of Iniquity My Nature underlie - Truth is good Health - and Safet…
450 Dreams—are well—but Waking’s bett… If One wake at morn— If One wake at Midnight—better— Dreaming—of the Dawn—
776 The Color of a Queen, is this— The Color of a Sun At setting—this and Amber— Beryl—and this, at Noon—
XLV DELIGHT becomes pictorial When viewed through pain,— More fair, because impossible That any gain.
749 All but Death, can be Adjusted— Dynasties repaired— Systems—settled in their Sockets— Citadels—dissolved—
632 The Brain—is wider than the Sky— For—put them side by side— The one the other will contain With ease—and You—beside—
704 672 No matter—now—Sweet— But when I’m Earl— Won’t you wish you’d spoken
957 As One does Sickness over In convalescent Mind, His scrutiny of Chances By blessed Health obscured—
991 She sped as Petals of a Rose Offended by the Wind— A frail Aristocrat of Time Indemnity to find—