1035 Bee! I’m expecting you! Was saying Yesterday To Somebody you know That you were due—
862 Light is sufficient to itself— If Others want to see It can be had on Window Panes Some Hours in the Day.
98 One dignity delays for all— One mitred Afternoon— None can avoid this purple— None evade this Crown!
A feather from the Whippoorwill That everlasting—sings! Whose galleries—are Sunrise— Whose Opera—the Springs— Whose Emerald Nest the Ages spin
779 The Service without Hope— Is tenderest, I think— Because ’tis unsustained By stint—Rewarded Work—
590 Did you ever stand in a Cavern’s… Widths out of the Sun— And look—and shudder, and block yo… And deem to be alone
349 I had the Glory—that will do— An Honor, Thought can turn her to When lesser Fames invite— With one long “Nay”—
563 I could not prove the Years had f… Yet confident they run Am I, from symptoms that are past And Series that are done—
A Pang is more conspicuous in Spr… In contrast with the things that s… Not Birds entirely– but Minds – Minute Effulgencies and Winds - When what they sung for is undone
There comes a warning like a spy A shorter breath of Day A stealing that is not a stealth And Summers are away
The Snow that never drifts - The transient, fragrant snow That comes a single time a Year Is softly driving now - So thorough in the Tree
No rack can torture me, My soul’s at liberty Behind this mortal bone There knits a bolder one You cannot prick with saw,
838 Impossibility, like Wine Exhilarates the Man Who tastes it; Possibility Is flavorless—Combine
737 The Moon was but a Chin of Gold A Night or two ago— And now she turns Her perfect Fac… Upon the World below—
6 Frequently the wood are pink— Frequently are brown. Frequently the hills undress Behind my native town.