#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
577 If I may have it, when it’s dead, I’ll be contented—so— If just as soon as Breath is out It shall belong to me—
You said that I “was Great”'—one… Then “Great” it be’—if that pleas… Or Small’—or any size at all’— Nay’—I’m the size suit Thee’— Tall’—like the Stag’—would that?
This quiet dust was gentlemen and… And lads and girls; Was laughter and ability and sighi… And frocks and curls; This passive place a summer’s nimb…
If all the griefs I am to have Would only come today, I am so happy I believe They’d laugh and run away. If all the joys I am to have
669 No Romance sold unto Could so enthrall a Man As the perusal of His Individual One—
30 Adrift! A little boat adrift! And night is coming down! Will no one guide a little boat Unto the nearest town?
172 ’Tis so much joy! ’Tis so much jo… If I should fail, what poverty! And yet, as poor as I, Have ventured all upon a throw!
UP with the sun, the breeze arose… Across the talking corn she goes, And smooth she rustles far and wid… Through all the voiceful countrysi… Through all the land her tale she…
514 Her smile was shaped like other sm… The Dimples ran along— And still it hurt you, as some Bi… Did hoist herself, to sing,
After great pain a formal feeling… The nerves sit ceremonious like to… The stiff Heart questions—was it… And yesterday—or centuries before? The feet, mechanical, go round
402 I pay—in Satin Cash— You did not state—your price— A Petal, for a Paragraph It near as I can guess—
44 If she had been the Mistletoe And I had been the Rose— How gay upon your table My velvet life to close—
301 I reason, Earth is short— And Anguish—absolute— And many hurt, But, what of that?
Love—is that later Thing than Dea… More previous—than Life— Confirms it at its entrance—And Usurps it—of itself— Tastes Death—the first—to hand th…
564 My period had come for Prayer— No other Art—would do— My Tactics missed a rudiment— Creator—Was it you?