#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #XIXCentury
914 I cannot be ashamed Because I cannot see The love you offer— Magnitude
833 Perhaps you think me stooping I’m not ashamed of that Christ—stooped until He touched t… Do those at Sacrament
178 I cautious, scanned my little life… I winnowed what would fade From what would last till Heads l… Should be a-dreaming laid.
Let me not mar that perfect Dream By an Auroral stain But so adjust my daily Night That it will come again. Not when we know, the Power accos…
143 For every Bird a Nest— Wherefore in timid quest Some little Wren goes seeking rou… Wherefore when boughs are free—
911 Too little way the House must lie From every Human Heart That holds in undisputed Lease A white inhabitant—
548 Death is potential to that Man Who dies—and to his friend— Beyond that—unconspicuous To Anyone but God—
121 As Watchers hang upon the East, As Beggars revel at a feast By savory Fancy spread— As brooks in deserts babble sweet
48 Once more, my now bewildered Dove Bestirs her puzzled wings Once more her mistress, on the dee… Her troubled question flings—
343 My Reward for Being, was This. My premium—My Bliss— An Admiralty, less— A Sceptre—penniless—
422 More Life—went out—when He went Than Ordinary Breath— Lit with a finer Phosphor— Requiring in the Quench—
The butterfly obtains But little sympathy Though favorably mentioned In Entomology - Because he travels freely
The Hills in Purple syllables The Day’s Adventures tell To little Groups of Continents Just going Home from School.
253 You see I cannot see—your lifetim… I must guess— How many times it ache for me—toda… How many times for my far sake
234 You’re right—“the way is narrow”— And “difficult the Gate”— And “few there be”—Correct again— That “enter in—thereat”—