

it can be described as this in its simplest form;
a raindrop penetrating a cotton black sweatshirt
as water rolls down a cold forehead with eyebrows furrowed.
sweaty palms get lost in the balled up too-long sleeves,
the chest heaving and gasping for forgotten air and
a sense of being. a sense of time. what it’s like to be living.
plain as day, a drowning sensation as a downpour is predicted;
my tears silence and suffocate my body, shoulders are limp.
i’ve lost my footing on this muddy path, i find myself sinking.
every night i ponder through this weather, a storm cloud;
the sun rises each time, dawning new colors, but
that morning remains on constant repeat. repeat. repeat.
you’re there, embedded in my memories, yet the outline of you
is dwindling as each month goes by, and i struggle to make amends in my mind;
wishing i could scream at you til my lungs burst. til i go numb completely.
til my heart, til it too, til it flatlines.

this is about grief and dealing with a loss

#grief #loss #mourning #sadness

Other works by Emily Willis...
