
Not Again

I will sing her a song
for I know she has done me no wrong
Now I know she will be mine,
Even if I’ve only known her for a short time.
She’s all I’ve wanted and nothing more,
Shes got everything that I adore
Her name is like a mint,
Whenever I say it my heart feels refreshed by the wind.  .    
Her eyes bluer then the west coast Ocean,
Where Jack Sparrow got stranded, both of us fell into its deception.
The strings of her hair flow freely in every direction,
Even a stripper could not compare to it not with all her tension.
She will never feel alone,
The doors to my heart are open its her brand new home.
She can stay here as long as she likes,
But if she leaves my heart will surely cry.
She’s a good girl she isn’t bad,
I can tell when she makes me laugh.
She thinks that all guys are all the same,
That we just wanna fuck that it’s alll just a game.
But I am not like them I’ve felt this pain,
I’ve been alone for to long yearlong but never again.

Other works by Erick Garcia...
