

Glistening on leaves,
Mysteriously sitting there looking at me wishing we could switch places to see what the other could be.
They come together,
Bringing life, love and the living to together.
Under sheds, sheets and small umbrella covers.
Washing away fears, masking tears and clearing the air of its toxic peers.
The ability to bend leaves, scare bees, all while bringing joy to all around like a child’s smile, what a thrill, so unreal...
Scattered thoughts and fears shattered,
All hopelessness is lost,
Redemption that comes at no cost.
Flowers flourish in awe, as if praising their creator for mercies long sought.
A rainbow follows suit,
As if a sign that we’re all beautiful works of art,
The tiny drops being the root,
Upto complex beings that bear fruit
Throughout a planet,
One badly damaged and ravaged by man hands and his imaginations pointless images,
Still holding beauty from crystals, pellets and glistening rainbow prism like displays,
Oceans and sea, mountain caps,
Antarctic maps,
All filled from beds to the tops...
From beginning to end, it all starts with raindrops.

Other works by Errol Roberts...
