
The Song

I would like one day to be reborn
but, not as a human
being. This has been a tiring existence to me.
I would like to be just
an innocent song.
It will be so beautiful
I was
your favorite song.
I would be free
from such a suffering.
I wouldn’t care
about what’s happening in the world
or if my friends
are unhappy.
I would hang off your lips playfully– all the time.
I would wait patiently
when you would decide to make me “sound”
so I rush out from you.
That would be my only agony.
I would live happily within you.
I would sleep with you in the evenings
and maybe then your innocent soul
would sing me, lovingly
even in your sleep.
I would like one day to be reborn
but, not as a human being.

included in the book, "Still Blues?"


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