From No Nature
It comes blundering over the Boulders at night, it stays Frightened outside the Range of my campfire I go to meet it at the
The sour smell, blue stain, water squirts out round the wedge, Lifting quarters of rounds covered with ants,
Hammering a dent out of a bucket a woodpecker answers from the woods
Owl calls, pollen dust blows Swirl of light strokes writhing knot-tying light paths,
I went into the Maverick Bar In Farmington, New Mexico. And drank double shots of bourbon backed with beer. My long hair was tucked up under a…
“O hell, what do mine eyes with grief behold?” Working with an old Singlejack miner, who can sense The vein and cleavage
We finished clearing the last Section of trail by noon, High on the ridge-side Two thousand feet above the creek Reached the pass, went on
Down valley a smoke haze Three days heat, after five days r… Pitch glows on the fir-cones Across rocks and meadows Swarms of new flies.
Clearing the mind and sliding in to that created space, a web of waters steaming over rock… air misty but not raining, seeing this land from a boat on a…
Out there walking round, looking o… a rootstock, a birdcall, a seed th… plucking, digging, snaring, snaggi… barely getting by, no food out there on dusty slopes…
One afternoon the last week in Ap… Showing Kai how to throw a hatche… One-half turn and it sticks in a s… He recalls the hatchet-head Without a handle, in the shop
Ah to be alive on a mid-September morn fording a stream barefoot, pants rolled up, holding boots, pack on,
I first saw it in the sixties, driving a Volkswagen camper with a fierce gay poet and a lovely but dangerous girl with a h… we came down from Canada
Izanami gave birth to rocks, trees, rivers… and last, a blazing child so burned she died. In the land of darkness
At the last turn in the path “goodbye—” —bending, bowing, (moss and a bit of wild