

The pain I feel today
Is different to pain I feel every other day, The pain is deep, harsh and aching. Is it fair? Is it because the sun is out and  there is rain but missing its bow that it should wear
Telling my family about the pain,
to be brushed away to never be seen again.  Asking for help but no ones is going to reply to the pain this pain I wear.
The knowing of what is going to happen, when I back to my stables,
The woman who is waiting.
The thing she will say to me,
why dose she laughs at me? For having dreams?Why?is she trying to hurt me or did I miss the joke?
But whatever happens it will happen
I care for  my horses.
I have to stop the care for myself
This woman will be little me forever
But I shall not care! I will try to be,
The best and make the woman sorry
Forever doubting me and my abilities,  
For me the woman will become a mear memory in my past, someone who made me better with the pain she made me feel so I thank her!


Other works by Georga Louise Evans...
