

Some how it feels like I’m 8 years old again...
Back in primary...
Where I isolated myself because I feel I don’t belong...
Once upon a time this was home....
Now it feels like the home’s of others I hav been exiled to.
I see them loving, warm and compassionate.. but there not my family...
Put in the middle of a world I use to be apart off, but have been pulled apart from...
Alone... Hey its me again... seems I keep running into you. No matter how hard I try to stay away our path stays intertwined.
I know it sounds like I hate you but truth is you’ve been my hiding place, my escape and ultimately my favorite reason to be fake, you’re always willing to embrace . But You’ve take more then you’ve been willing to give it’s not you’re fualt its mine for always running to you but its time to stop running...

