

The little creatures enjoying the momentary dryness.
The talcons of the brave eagle breaking the surface of the waves.
The forest fire is spreading its blackness,
The creatures are afraid,
some our hiding in their nest and some are hiding in their caves
For the only sound to be the squish of the damp earth under my feet,
Also the sorrow and sudden cries of the jays.
Humans are destroying the Earth, in a reckless way.
If we don’t stop global warming,
Then that day is not far,
When the world will be mourning.
Are u able to hear nature’s plea?
There is something, each of us can do,
To keep the rivers clean
Also to keep fresh, the air, we breathe
And to keep the forest green.
I promise to restore our ecosystem forever
And guard the tree’s, magical beauty
To save the flaura and fauna of my land
Will always be my severe and sacred duty

The poem is written to spread awareness among the people to save out beautiful ecosystem

#beauty #earth #ecosystem #protect

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