
A little Child A Winner

To Gods Glory!

A Little Child The Winner
Little ones gather round          
I will tell you of this tale
Of David and Goliath
Along the Bible trail
David was a shepherd boy
He loved God so very much
David gave God joy
The philistines were giant men
Who bullied people around
King Saul was looking for a hero
To take Golieth down
No one in his kingdom
Could he find to do this deed
Until one day a little boy
David  he would plead
To the King, David said I will
Take Goliath down
With my God on my side
Goliath has no ground
So with a slingshot in his hand
He aimed at Goliaths head
Taking his time he aimed it
And Goliath fell down dead
Remember little children
A hero you can be
With the God of Heaven
On your side
You are winner
If in Him you do abide


It speaks for itself!


Other works by Jackie Shor...
