
On to the Next

As i walk around and no one seems to acknowledges me
I felt as if I was a lost ship out at sea
No motivation to pursue makes it hard to continue
I had little knowledge of what my laziness would get me into
Cutting corners, lacking effort, it was a trap
Now I am a lost ship trying to find my way back
So I always try remembering to keep moving forward without looking back
Because just one look and you have already regressed
So i put my head down and keep going on
Knowing God puts things in the road so I continue to grow strong
Not strong physically
But strong in the mind and heart
Because getting through that mental leap
Is the hardest part.
Once home alone I take a serious look in the mirror
This is not me when did I disappear
I had such big goals and dreams when I was as a kid
But they disappeared just as quick as my school years did
Being stuck doing nothing should have been the fear
Not the ridicule of not succeeding I was expecting of peers
Not failure, nothing should have stood in the way
Now so soon me not giving any effort is going to make me pay
Where was this drive this effort i have picked up now
It was in another world far beyond the highest clouds
But the best part of still being young
Is you can still chase your dreams every single one
Without a question no hesitation
Race towards your dreams but please just listen
Do what you love and do it your best
Because knowing you gave your all takes away a lot of stress
Knowing you left nothing, no need to second guess
Makes it much easier to keep your head up
And keep moving forward to the next.
