
Give Me Your All

To the one I love...

Give me your smile to take me through the day;
Give me a kiss to take the loneliness away.
Give me a hug to mend my broken heart;
Give me one touch– a promise that we will never part.
Give me your hands and lead the way;
dont tell me– but show me your love wont go astray.
Give me your arms to comfort me -
Give me your eyes so your love I can see.
Give me your legs when life kicks me down and I can no longer stand;
Give me your feet in the darkness– a safer place to land.
Give me your fingers and run them through my soul;
Give me your body and in me break down all these walls.
Give me your words when I need to be inspired;
Give me a glimps of your soul when mine is tired.
Give me your everything, give me your all;
So that in sorrow’s cold embrace I won’t fall...


This poem I wrote because in my life I have only known heartache and this is what I desire with all of my heart, that one person to share my life with... a Once in a lifetime love...


Other works by Jana...
