
Love for Music

My Heartbeat!!!

Love For Music
I feel you in my spirit I feel you in my soul
Every morning when I wake up threw you I call my Lord
My heart beats faster with every note that I share but most important It breaths life into the air
Passion released in words to hard to  explain
Love for music cannot be changed
Cannot be without you not even for a day
You speak to my heart I feel it in everyway
Love for music please do not go away
Give me a pen and paper and I will write anyday
About anything that comes my way
Threw melodies raw I sing with joy
Threw ups and downs I reach to you
You know my heart you see my smile
You face my fears and say My child you had enough
Threw Love for Music I have seen your hand move in ways no one one can explain
I Pray threw music hope that is OK!!!!


I have a dream that the world with experience what God placed in me!

Other works by Jessica Botes...
