
missing you

i sit and think about you i miss you and theres nothing i can do. im so frustrated i don’t know what to do. this isnt fair. ive never hurt so bad i couldn’t breathe. why cant i be happy like everyone else? why am i always alone? why wont someone care about me? why does noone care i hurt? why dony he care? what did i do to deserve this pain? why wont he tell me answer my questions? why does he keep me around tell me hes scared it will go back and not believe me it wouldn’t?  i dont understand im tired of crying. i want it to stop. beg and plead all i want it dont matter. theres no point in crying it does nothing. i cant do this anymore. i just want to die run away noone would miss me. im traped in this gross body. i want to get out.


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