
Eight Lettered Scrabble

Don’t go yet!
We have barely found the consonants and vowels to begin to form the words which describe the bounds of our existence.
I love you
You love me
Four plus four!
There are eighteen other letters yet to shift and shape and share.
So don’t go.  Yet
I know it is too late.
We have left it too late.
I do not know what more we could have achieved if we had juggled the scrabble bag more creatively in our time together.
Yet somehow just to know that in eight letters what we have to hold is wondrous, priceless, sustaining.
I love you
You love me.
Had to hold!
Don’t go yet!
Even though with time to spend and speak we would sit and not.
I would that you would stay a while and ease my grief.
I am selfish like that!
But you know that!
Maybe I should just hold your hand and play eight lettered scrabble!



Other works by John Trainor...
