
A Raven's Last Breath

As I sit and wonder fondly pondering, mind dabbling back and forth
  Surfing the Web with these thoughts in my head over an epoch that I can afford
Then a passionate flash of disaster and death plus a blast of a fathomless horror
  Intrudes any lucidity physically sickens me enhanced with discord at the door
See my mind’s playing tricks outside it’s pitch black
And the noise at the door seemed a bang and a scratch
But it’s probably a friend oh God thank the heavens so I get up the gall to go answer the door
I yell out" I’m coming!" In return I hear nothing, get there open up its pitch black nothing more
Stick out my head to explore the silence is eerie and clearly it’s something I shouldn’t ignore
I turned to restore but to my fear and abhor I saw several claw marks engraved on the porch
The image of gore set in again as I position my vision on a creature of lore...
  My sight getting blurry and swirling a flurry of dizziness a mix of adrenaline and surprise
Or terror and awe a mistake what I saw was it fake was it raw an unsavory sublime
I can bare it no more so I turn from it all run inside slam the door as I wait for sunrise
But see more was in store when I glanced at the floor ‘twas a ravenous crow with pure hate in its eyes
It then leapt to the chimney awning and then crept at me as if taunting I then backed into the wall for its glare did incise
Then it spoke, said “Nevermore.” where have I heard that before? “What’s it mean?” It said “Your time.” quite a frightful reply
It then squawked a loud curse the lights burst it dispersed as I heard the wings flap of the devils disguise
I then turned to the door it was stuck so I soared to the kitchen for a flashlight and a plan to devise
So upstairs I decided to run into my room to retrieve my gun but then I was stunned by the sound of a flutter
One that came from enormous wings I turned around and that’s when I see an odious beast unlike any other
As if compelled I showered my light which hadn’t been needed to see his eyes of crimson shine like hellish fire
Wings of deterrence from unnatural black the smell of cadaver  so sickening that I knew only death would aspire
Now filled up with gloom and the feeling of retching I now understand what it previously mentioned of my expire
I opened my mouth to argue it lifted a hand with claws sharper then harpies’ I stumbled towards, unwilled, and that’s when my consciousness seemed to retire
Then a passionate flash of disaster and death plus a splash of a fathomless horror
Intrudes my lucidity physically sickens me enhanced with discord at the door

Inspired by Poe, can you guess which one?


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