
Worn Piece

War & Peace

this new form .
I won’t say I like it, it’s uncomfortable .
But isn’t that what I like?
Irony, that’s always the word that was able to describe my life .
Maybe because I can directly see the sacrifice .
Trust, this is not my full power .
Something’s gotta give . . .
Something’s gotta break . . .
Won’t force it, wouldn’t lose my cool .
Timeless art tells the stories of my OG’s .
My heart tells me to help others .
& also to fuck the world .
How is that so bad when the world is always asking to get fucked?
What a nasty world we choose not to see, it will all resolve itself soon . And it won’t be pretty .
Violence has been foresought long before my own eyes .
I’m here to help others protect themselves because I must also protect myself .
Can love truly heal this world? Maybe .
I can believe in it . But in order to rebuild, we must destroy the walls, which are crumbling from within .
The enemy will not go down without a fight . Prayers to those in the front lines of this invisible war .
My job is to remain one foot in & one foot out .
My life is at risk so long as they don’t pay attention to me;
even though I do my work in their faces .
It’s the kind of person I am .
Farmers will be the best friends of fake friends .
Sovereign nations will gamble & strategize to gain control of minerals & essential resources .
I do my work for free, because the people don’t know that it is needed . I’m okay with that . Fate cannot be escaped .
But as long as I can, I will fight for what I want .

Other works by Abraam Solo...
