
Free the ideas

What happens
when my ADHD is unleashed?
Or is it anxiety
confused as attention deficit?
My ideas now flow
from the waterfall of inspiration,
may I share them with whoever is thirsty.
Being an inanimate object,
can I let go of all pride and fear
and share all the water?
I want to.
The race is no race at all,
I am in no race at all with anyone,
I seek to arrive at life with abundance
and I will arrive with peace and patience,
and a sprung mind, deep into life.
Creativity sprouts true liberation.
It is here, I’m at the beginning stages.
I want to be a force of peace, hope, smiles,
good-will, humor, courage through trials,
escape, acceptance, reflection over miles,
lightness, unconditional regard, equanimity.
That is what I found in Nicaragua and Peru,
what I’ve been trying to get back to,
no longer hidden in the mountains from me,
now hidden in my mind,
from one poem to the next,
from one interaction to the next,
from one movement to the next,
from one idea to the next.
They take me across the world and back again.
The age of wonder we live in,
shrouded by depression,
anxiety, competition, survival.
I am a reminder of the escape.
I have nothing to lose,
no one can take
my mind.
I will bring people together wherever I go,
no matter how old I become,
I will;
people will come, talk, listen,
share, build and accompany through obstruction.
My only hesitations are fleeting fears;
a fleeting fear of going hungry,
a fleeting fear of my soul being lonely,
a fleeting fear of this body dissolving.
I stake my last refuge in consciousness.
Just the mind, my mind,
to be shared infinitely and beyond,
when I am gone I will have shared everything
and left a thousand seeds, along with my ashes
to sprout new trees and new ideas.
What fixed me? I think he did,
these courses did? I think they did.
I’m free. I’m free. I’m free.

Other works by Juan Michael...
