
Just Existing

This is for the man,  I loved with all my heart
Never thought it would get this far as it was shaky from the start
Very independent I grew up to be
Self esteem and confidence was all inside of me
You won me over and we had our first date
Second thoughts crossed my mind because you were late
This is when you told me your wife had recently past
Should have been smart and mad the date my last
Both single parents, I thought it was meant to be
Nothing felt better than you holding me
All I needed and wanted was you
You should have let me go it was the least you could do
The drug took over and I made you choose
A substance was more important so too bad I lose
Apart from you was the worse pain ever
So eight months later we got back together
My heart was true but you didn’t care
Your pipe and whores you couldn’t spare
The lies, the cheating, the beatings from hell
I loved you so deeply how could you not tell
My heart remains tore up, just existing all alone
As you lay in the ground, under a gravestone.....
