
What Lies in My Heart

I love you, but I do not love you;
That’s what my mind tells me
As I try to free you from the confines of my heart.
My heart screams at me to release you;
Alas I can not; Rosella-girl
Threatening to make my heart your nest.
Your eyes, so beautiful, stealing me from reality.
Your smile, so warm, so deceptive.
(Such a cliche love I have for you.)
The battle between my heart and head,
Choice after choice I must make.
The endless road that I must tread...
So many forks and turns,
Careful to keep moving forward toward the new moon.
I love you, I have no doubt.
But I have another love as well,
A love of head and heart.
So I will keep you caged Rosella-girl
To chase after my other love.
I will return, so please wait for me.
If not, then know
I love you, I always have.
